Glana Software Suit

Parallel to producing the Glana camera, we have developed a software suit built is symbiosis to simplify the capture and analysis process.

Glana Capture

Glana Capture is a software specifically built to assist you through all steps necessary for creating a hyperspectral image using the Glana camera. From setting camera parameters and framing your shot, to building your desired hyperspectral image; the software is designed with ease-of-use in mind.

Glana Viewer

For a quick analysis of your Glana images, the Glana Viewer is of great service. It presents your captured images in a convenient way and gives you simple tools to determine the spectral curves of a pixel or object and apply filters such as vegetations indices.

Standardized output

The Glana cameras produces hyperspectral images in a standardized format that can be analyzed in a variety of hyperspectral imaging softwares, such as HSpeQ, Prediktera and perClass.

Contact us

Please contact us with any questions or comments. We look forward to hearing from you.

Jörgen Ahlberg

+46(0)70 675 73 84